End User License Agreement

Supersheets, Inc. (Cotera)


This is your End User License Agreement for Supersheets. Please read this carefully before using the Supersheets service, and you may want to retain a copy for your records.

A: Property of Supersheets

Following acceptance of this End User License Agreement, you may access and use the Supersheets software through our server. The copyright, database rights, and any other intellectual property rights in the programs and data constituting this software product, remain the property of Supersheets Inc.

B: License Acceptance Procedure

By completing the registration process, you indicate acceptance of this End User License Agreement. Such acceptance is on behalf of any corporate entity which employs you or which you represent ("Client").

C: User Rejection

Supersheets reserves the right to reject your company from using the service within 21 days of submission, in which case any paid subscription fees will be refunded.


The following terms are used in this Agreement:

Privacy; Disclosure

Supersheets's privacy policy may be viewed at supersheets.so. By using the service, you consent to the processing of your personal data in accordance with our privacy policy.


You agree to provide accurate, current, and complete registration data during sign-up and promptly update it if it changes. Supersheets reserves the right to terminate accounts if false or inaccurate information is provided.

License Grant and Restrictions

Supersheets grants the Client a non-exclusive, revocable, and non-transferable right to use the Service. The Client may not sublicense, transfer, or commercially exploit the Service, nor reverse-engineer it.

Client's Responsibilities

The Client is responsible for all activity occurring under their user accounts. The Client shall notify Supersheets immediately of any unauthorized use of their accounts.

Account Information and Data

Supersheets does not own any of the Client Data. The Client is solely responsible for its accuracy and legality. Upon termination of the Agreement, the Client is responsible for retrieving a copy of their data within 30 days.

Intellectual Property Ownership

All intellectual property rights in the Supersheets Technology and Service belong to Supersheets. The Client is granted only the limited use of rights expressly provided in this Agreement.

Excess Data Storage Fees

Disk storage space allowance is provided at the discretion of Supersheets and may be amended at any time without notice.

Premium Services

In addition to free services, Supersheets offers premium services for a subscription fee. Fees are charged on the first day of subscription and continue on the same day each month unless canceled by the Client.


Supersheets reserves the right to terminate this Agreement and suspend access to the Service if the Client violates the terms of this Agreement.

Termination Consequences

Upon termination, Supersheets may delete all Client Data and restrict access to the Service.

Representations and Warranties

Supersheets warrants that the Service will perform substantially as documented. The sole remedy for a breach of this warranty is the correction of defects by Supersheets.


The Client shall indemnify Supersheets against any claims arising from the Client's use of the Service or the Client's breach of this Agreement.

Limitation of Liability

Supersheets's liability is limited to the greater of £10,000 or the total sums paid by the Client during the preceding 12 months for Premium Services.


Supersheets may give notice by means of electronic mail to the Client's email address on record. Such notice is deemed to have been given 12 hours after sending.

Modifications to Terms

Supersheets reserves the right to modify the terms of this Agreement, which shall be effective upon electronic delivery or notification.


This Agreement is governed by the laws of England and Wales. If any provision is found invalid, the remaining provisions shall remain in effect.

Acceptance of Agreement

By registering for the Service, you confirm acceptance of this End User License Agreement, constituting a binding contract between you and Supersheets.

Company Information

Supersheets is incorporated under the laws of England, with company number 13566223. Registered address: Flat 1, 2b Smedley Street, London, SW4 6PG, United Kingdom.