Category Recommendations

Discover the Right Categories for Each Customer

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Simple and Fun Category Picks.

Our Next Best Category Recommendations app is great for any business. It looks at what your customers do – like their buys, clicks, and things they think about buying. Then, the app figures out the best product categories for each person. It's like each shopper has their own guide, pointing them to the stuff they'll really enjoy. This way, they find cool products faster and have more fun shopping.

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Works Easily with Your Favorite Apps.

This app works well with apps like Meta Ads, Attentive, Braze, or Klaviyo. It sends all the important stuff – like prices, pictures, and what the products are about – straight to these apps. So, you can show your customers the right categories in the places they like most. It's about making sure customers see the items that are just right for them.

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Keep Customers Happy and Shopping.

By showing customers the product categories they like, shopping becomes easier and more fun for them. They'll find new things they love in the categories they're shown. When customers enjoy shopping, they keep coming back. This app helps you make shopping fun for them, which is good for your business.

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