Product Recommendations

Cotera's Recommendation Engine is like a smart shopping buddy, picking out just the right items for each customer. It looks at what they click and buy, and what similar shoppers like, to suggest the perfect products. Whether it’s finding new treasures or remembering their regular favorites, our engine makes shopping a breeze. And when customers love what they see, they buy more - boosting your sales in a snap!

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Drive more sales using the data you have already

Whenever a user buys a product, clicks on it, adds it to their basket or interacts with it in any way, they generate valuable insights into what exactly they’re looking for. And not just for them, but for other similar users. The tool turns all this data into user-specific recommendations, meaning more sales, more happy (returning) customers and more recurring revenue!

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Integrate into your email campaigns with no extra effort

The app can easily sync with whatever platform you use for your email or SMS campaigns (Klaviyo, Omnisend, etc). The product recommendation data can be sent across for automatic use in campaigns on a customer-specific level. So with almost zero effort you can put what each customer needs straight into their inbox.

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Make specific exclusions and use up-to-date data

The data model updates several times a day, so recommendations are accurate and more likely to sell. And you can easily exclude certain products - loss leaders, out-of-stock items, special offer products - giving you more flexibility.

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