
Make smarter decisions for growth. Find out what keeps customers coming back, and what makes them leave.

Our customers use Cotera to answer their toughest growth questions:

What Features Should We Build Next?

We'll show you what customers are begging for.

Why Are Customers Cancelling?

We'll give you the real reasons, straight from the customer's mouth.

Why Aren't Trials Converting This Month?

We'll help you spot the sticking points.

Growth Dashboard

What Are Our Competitors Up To?

We'll give you the scoop on their wins (and flops).

How Can We Make Our Copy Convert Better?

We'll tell you what words make your customers click.

Here's how we turn your growth efforts from guesswork into a science:

Customers also use Cotera as a KPI Monitor

We'll alert you to:

  • Safety incidents before they blow up
  • Shipment slowdowns before customers get angry
  • Supply shortages before they hit your bottom line
  • Spikes in negative sentiment (or positive)

You can set up these alerts in seconds, and turn them off just as fast when you don't need them anymore.